HSSC TGT Exam , Syllabus , Application Form , Exam Date , Eligibility Criteria , Exam Pattern 2023

HSSC TGT Exam , Syllabus , Application Form , Exam Date , Eligibility Criteria , Exam Pattern 2023

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HSSC TGT Exam Application form Released Date  : 20 Feb 2023 

Last Date for submission of the application form : 20 March 2023

Admit Card Release : Before the Exam Date 

Exam Date : 30 April 2023 – 14 May 2023

Conduct Agency : HSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission)

Exam Pattern : Offline (OMR)

Exam Type : MCQ 

Result : Notified Soon

Selection Process :

  • Written
  • Socio-Economic criteria and Experience
  • Document Verification 
  • Medical Test 

HSSC TGT Exam , Syllabus , Application Form , Exam Date , Eligibility Criteria , Exam Pattern 2023

HSSC TGT Exam Eligibility Criteria : –

The condinates who Qualify HSSC TGT Exam shall have to fullfill the following Eligibility Requirement for Application form.

  • Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test ( HTET) / School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET).
  • Matric with Hindi / Sanskrit or 10 + 2 / B.A/M.A. with Hindi as one of the subjects.
  • Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the subject / subject combination concerne and in total.
  • B.Ed or Equlvalent degree from a Recognized University.
  • Proficiency in Hindi and English language teaching.


  • The candidates who desire to Apply for the HSSC TGT Recruitment process must be Indian Citizens.
HSSC TGT Exam Age Limit & Relaxation :- 
  • Minimum Age : 18 Year 
  • Maximum Age : 42 Year.
  • Age Relaxation Extra as Per Rules of the state Government.
HSSC TGT Exam Pattern 2023 :-

The Candidates have to appear for a written examination for their selection for HSSC TGT  2023. There are 100 Objective-type questions divided into different subjects. The total marks for the HSSC TGT written examination are 95 Marks. Each wrong answer will lead to a deduction of 0 marks and 0.95 mark is awarded for every correct answer. The exam is conducted for 1 hours & 45 Minutes. The HSSC TGT exam pattern 2023 discussed in the table below : 

  • Consists of two Parts :
  • Written Examination 100 questions & 95 Marks.
  • Socio – Economic Criteria and Experience : 5 Marks  
  • Each question carries 0.95 mark
  • Total 100 marks
  • Duration is 1 Hours& 45 Minutes .
  • There is No of negative marking.
  • There is no negative marking for questions that have been left unanswered.
  • However, after the process of Challenges of the Answer Key, in case there are
    multiple correct options or change in key, only those candidates who have attempted
    it correctly as per the revised Answer key will be awarded marks.
  • In case a Question is dropped due to some technical error, full marks shall be given
    to all the candidates irrespective of the fact who have attempted it or not .
 Serial No  Examination Type  Marks  Total Time
 1  Written Examination  95  1 Hours & 45 Minutes 
 2  Socio – Economic Criteria and Experience  05
 Total  100

5. Charts , Graph Sheets , Tables , Cellular Phone or Other Electronic Gadgets are NOT allowes in the examination hall.

HSSC TGT Exam Subject Wise Expected Cut Off 2023 : –

Knowing the cutoff helps candidates to know the minimum marks they must score to clear the written test and qualify the recruitment process. The HSSC TGT Exam cut-off 2023 will be released after the commencement of the examination till then have a look at the expected marks.

Category Expcted Cut Off Marks (2022) Female 
General 80 – 85
OBC 74 – 79
SC 63 – 69
ST 50 – 65
HSSC TGT Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023 
  • General : 40 % 
  • OBC : 35 % 
  • SC / ST / PH (PwD) : 30 % 
HSSC TGT Exam Selection Process 2023 :- 

The selection process id divided into stages – the Written Examination and the evaluation of Socio-Economic criteria and Experience.The detailed process and weightage for each stage are given below

  • Written
  • Socio-Economic criteria and Experience
  • Document Verification 
  • Medical Test 
Serial No. Subject Name Marks 
1 Written Exam  95
2 Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience 5
Socio- Economic Criteria and Experience 

This round of the selection process comprises 5 % weightage . These marks are allotted to the candidates based on different conditions. Find in detail below :

Socio-Economic Criteria Weightage
If neither the applicant nor any person from the applicant’s family is , was , or has been a regular employee in any Department / Board / Corporation / Company / Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government of India. 5 %
If the candidates is window / the first or second child , andd his father had died before attaining the age of 42 years / the first or the second child , and his father had died before the applicant had attained the age of 15 years. 5 %
If the candidates belongs to a denotified tribe like Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis / Nomadic tribe of the State of Haryana , which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class. 5 %
If a candidates belongs to Haryana and has the service period of 6 months to 8 years , the weightage will be given half % for each year. 4 %
Salary :- 
  • HSSC TGT Teacher  Salary : 47600 Rs – 151100 Rs.
HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 (Mathematics) : – 

The HSSC TGT Syllabus covers two Parts of the written examination.

Part – 1 (Total Weightage 50 %)

Environmental Awarenes :-    (Weightage 10 %)                                   

Introduction : Basics of ecology, eco system- concept, and sustainable development, Sources, advantages, disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable energy, Rain water harvesting, Deforestation – its effects & control measures.

Air and Noise Pollution : Air Pollution: Source of air pollution. Effect of air pollution on human health, economy, Air pollution control methods, Noise Pollution: Source of noise pollution, Unit of noise, Effect of noise pollution, Acceptable noise level, Different method of minimizing noise pollution.

Water and Soil Pollution : Water Pollution: Impurities in water, Cause of water pollution, Source of water pollution. Effect of water pollution on human health, Concept of DO, BOD, COD. Prevention of water pollution- Water treatment processes, Sewage treatment. Water quality standard, Soil Pollution: Sources of soil pollution, Effects and Control of soil pollution, Types of Solid waste- House hold, Industrial, Agricultural, Biomedical, Disposal of solid waste, Solid waste management E-waste, E – waste management.

Impact of Energy Usage on Environment : Global Warming, Green House Effect, Depletion of Ozone Layer, Acid Rain. Eco-friendly Material, Recycling of Material, Concept of Green Buildings, Concept of Carbon Credit & Carbon footprint.

Haryana General Knowledge and Welfare schemes of Haryana Government :-  (Weightage 20 %)

Haryana history, current affairs, literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc. and Welfare schemes run by state Government of Haryana and provisions there-in.  

Road Safety Awareness :-   (Weightage 5 %)

Traffic Rules, importance of traffic rules, authority to implement traffic rules, punishment for violating traffic rules, authority to issue driving license, procedure to get driving license, classification of vehicles, traffic signs, knowledge of safety measures in vehicles.

Perspectives on Education and Leadership :-   (Weightage 15 %)

(a) Understanding the Learner :

Concept of growth, maturation and development, principles and debates of development, development tasks and challenges, Domains of Development: Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional, Moral etc., deviations in development and its implications, Understanding Adolescence: Needs, challenges and implications for designing institutional support, Role of Primary and Secondary Socialization agencies. Ensuring Home school continuity.

(b) Understanding Teaching Learning :

Theoretical perspectives on Learning – Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism with special reference to their implications for : (i) The role of teacher (ii) The role of learner (iii) Nature of teacherstudent relationship (iv) Choice of teaching methods (v) Classroom environment (vi) Understanding of discipline, power etc. 

Factors affecting learning and their implications for : (i) Designing classroom instructions, (ii) Planning student activities and, (iii) Creating learning spaces in school. Planning and Organization of Teaching-Learning ; e-Perspectives in Education, NEP-2020: Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning; Foundational Literacy and Numeracy; Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Holistic & Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All; Competency based learning and Education. Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and provisioning for rights of children to safe and secure school environment, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, Historically studying the National Policies in education with special reference to school education;

School Curriculum Principles : Perspective, Learning and Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages — Pedagogy & Assessment, (i) Concept of Syllabus and Curriculum, Overt and Hidden Curriculum (ii) Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, Early Childhood Care and Education (iii) Competency based Education, Experiential learning, etc. (iv) Instructional Plans: -Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan (v) Instructional material and resources (vi) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for teachinglearning (vii) Assessment of learning, for learning and as learning: Meaning, purpose and considerations in planning each. Enhancing Teaching Learning processes: Classroom Observation and Feedback, Reflections and Dialogues as a means of constructivist teaching.

(c) Creating Conducive Learning Environment :

The concepts of Diversity, disability and Inclusion, implications of disability as social construct, types of disabilities-their identification and interventions, Concept of School Mental Health, addressing the curative, preventive and promotive dimensions of mental health for all students and staff. Provisioning for guidance and counselling, Developing School, and community as a learning resource.

(d) School Organization and Leaders-hip :

Leader as reflective practitioner, team builder, initiator, coach, and mentor, Perspectives on School Leadership: instructional, distributed, and transformative, Vision building, goal setting and creating a School development Plan, Using School Processes and forums for strengthening teaching learningAnnual Calendar, time-tabling, parent teacher forums, school assembly, teacher development forums, using achievement data for improving teaching —learning, School Self-Assessment, and Improvement, Creating partnerships with community, industry and other neighboring schools and Higher Education Institutes — forming learning communities.

(e) Perspectives in Education : 

NEP-2020 : Early Childhood Care and Education : The Foundation of Learning; Foundational Literacy and Numeracy; Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Holistic & Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All; Competency based learning and Education, Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and provisioning for rights of children to safe and secure school environment, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, Historically studying the National Policies in education with special reference to school education; School Curriculum Principles: Perspective, Learning and Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages — Pedagogy & Assessment.

Part – 2 (Total Weightage 50 %) 

Mathematics :-

Number system , Polynomials , linear Equations & their applications , Properties of lines and angles , Triangle , Similarity of triangles , Tholes Theorem , Pythagoras Theorem and its applications , Quadrilateral types and properties area & perimeters of Two- dimensional objects , surface area and volume of  Three – dimensional objects. Quadratic Equation & its properties , introduction to trigonometry , height and distance (using trigonometry).

Sets and operation on set , application of set operations cartesian product of sets , Relations and its types Functions types of functions domain and range of functions , composition of functions , Trigonometrical functions, Principles of mathematical Induction , Complex Number linear inequality and its Practical applications , Permutation and combinations, (Principle of counting factorial , application of formals of Permutation and combination under different conditions.

Binomial Theorem , Statement and Proof of Binomial Theorem, application of Binomial Theorem in calculating different relation between binomial coefficients, Arithmetical Progression (General term , sum of intern and its application Arithmetical mean , Geometrical progression (nth term , sum of  GP, Sum of  finite terms   of  GP , Geometrical  means ,  Arithmetic & Geometric series and its sum , Co-ordinate Geometry system of coordinates distance formula , section

formula Equation of line in various form , Equation of circle and its properties , Parabola and its equation ellipse and its Equation , hyperbola and its Equation application of   2 – dimensional geometry , Three Dimensional geometry , Co -ordinate axis and Co-ordinate planes in three – dimensional geometry.

Co-ordinates of a point in space , Distance formula, Section formula , Equation of line in space , Equations of plane in three – dimension sphere Equations , central tendency Dispersions , analysis of frequency distributions , Probability distribution , normal distribution , Poisson distributions , Bayes Theorem , conditional  Probability  law  of  total probability , trigonometrical  functions , solution of  trigonometrical Equations , inverse trigonometrical  Equations .

Matrices , types of matrices , operation on matrices , inverse of a matrix , determinant of square matrix up to third order , minors cofactors and application of determinant in calculating area & solving equation limits of (algebraic functions , trigonometrical functions , logarithmic functions , exponential functions and Inverse trigonometrical functions, Differentiations , application of derivatives , Curve tracing in Cartesian and polar coordinates reduction formulae , volume and Surface of solid of revolutions Differential Equations (up to graduation). 

Algebra & Trigonometry :-

Matrices , Determinants , Hermitian& Skew Hermitian matrices. Rank of Matrix , Properties of Determinant Eigen Values , Characteristic equation of matrix. Carey Hamilton Theory , Relation b/w roots & coefficient of gen , polynomial equation in one variable Descartes’s rule of sign ,  Sion of cubic Equation & biquadratic Equation , G.C.D , L.C.M , fundamental theorem of Arithmetic Linear cong. , Fermat’s theorem there , Wilson theorem , Euler function , Eulala’s generalization of Fermat’s theorem , DeMarre’s theorem & its application , Expansion of Trigonometric functions , Gregory’s series , Summation of series.

Calculus :-

Definition of Limit of a function , Continuity &  Differentiability & a function  , Differentiation , Successive differentiation , Asymptotes , Curvature , Tracing of Curves in Cartesian & Polar coordinates. Reduction formulae , Volume & Surface area of solids of revolution , Exact diff Eq. First order higher degree equations, Linear differential Equation” with content coefficient Homogeneous Linter ordinary diff Equation”, Linear differential Equation of 2nd order, Transformation of the Equation by changing the dependent variables the independent variable .

Probability :-

Random experiment , Sample space , Cumulative distribution function , discreate & continuous random variable , Mean , Variance , Moment generality Functions.

Discrete distribution : –

Bernoulli , binomial , geometric & Poisson , Continuous dist. – Uniform , exponential , gamma & normal, Conditional Prob. Bayes theorem.

Differential Geometry :-

Local theory of curve Tangent , Principal normal , curvature , Centre of curvature , spherical curvature , Involutes & evolutes of curves , Bertrand curves , surface ,  tangent & normal envelopes , edge of regression & developable surfaces.  First Fundamental form , Direction on a surface Curvature of normal section , Principal direction & curvatures , First & 2nd order Curvature , Grecian curvature , Euler’s theorem , Gauss formula. Linear Algebra , Complex Analysis , Functions of several Variables & Partial Diff. Equation , Numerical Methods , Mathematical statistics , operations research.  

Differential Equations :-

Series solutions of diff. equation ,  Power series method · Bessel Legendre& Hyper geometer Equation Orthogonality of fruition, Orthogonality of eight- functions , Laplace transformations : existence theory for L.T. Laplace transforms of derivative & integrals , Solutions of integral Equation & systems of diff equations using the L.T. Partial Diff. Equation of First order , Lagrange’s solution” Char pit’s general method of solution , P.D questions of 2nd & higher order, Mono & non. Homogeneous Equation with constant coefficient.

Mechanics :-

Equilibrium of Coplanar forces , Virtual work. Forces in 3-dim. Pointset’s central axis Wrenches , Null lines & planes, Velocities & acceleration along radial &transverse direction and along tangential & normal direction. Central Orbit , Keppler’s law of motion, Motion of a particle in 3-dimension, Acceleration in terms of coordinate system.  

Vector Analysis & Geometry :-

Vector Integration , Gauss , Green & States theorem & problem based or them , Scalar & Vector product of three vectors, Products of four vectors , Reciprocal vector Gradient , Divergence & Curl of vectors,  Tracing of conics, System of conics, Polar Eq. of Conic , Sphere, Cone, Cylinder.

Advanced Calculus  :-

Theorems on limits of Sequence, Bounded & monotonic seq. Cauchy’s convergence criterion, Cauchy’s Integral test , Ratio test, DE Morgan& Bertrand’s test, Leibnitz theorem, Properties of Continuous functions , Chain rule of Differentiability, Mean value theorem, Limit& continuity of fun of two variables, Partial diff. , Euler’s theorem of homogeneous function Taylor’s theorem , Envelopes , Evolutes , Maxima , Minima & saddle points & functions of two variables , Beta & Gamma functions, Double & Triple integrals.  

HSSC TGT Exam Syllabus Download :- 



HSSC TGT Exam Application Fees : –
  • General Category Fees : Rs 150 /- only
  • General (Female of Haryana Resident ) Category Fees : Rs 75 /- only
  • SC / BC / EWS Category (only male)  Fees : Rs 35 / – only. 
  • SC / BC / EWS Category candidate of Haryana State only Female : Rs 18 /- only
  • PwD ( Person with Disability) / Ex – serviceman of Haryana  : No Application Fee
How to Apply Online for HSSC TGT 2023 ?

The intrested candidates can apply for PGT post by filling an Online Application from within the application window. Folow the steps given to apply for HSSC TGT 2023.

Step – 1 : Visit the official website of HSSC. i.e.  https://hssc.gov.in

Step – 2 : Fill in all the important fields in the application form.

Step – 3 : Attach the required documents and recent passport size photograph in the required format.

Step – 4 : Pay the Application fee.

Step – 5 : Verify the details and in the application form and click on the ubmit button.

Step – 6 : Download and take a printout of the application from for futuree reference.

HSSC TGT Admit Card 2023

The admit card for HSSC TGT 2023 Will be released by the organizing body on the official website. The candidates can refer to the steps given below to download their HSSC TGT Admit Card 2023.

Step – 1 : Visit the official website of HSSC. i.e https://hssc.gov.in

Step – 2 : Check the page and click on the link that says to download the HSSC TGT Admit card.

Step – 3 : After viewing your admit card , verify all the details given on the admit card . In case of any discrepancies , contact the higher authorities of the HSSC Commission immediately.

Step – 4 : Click on the prompt ” Click to generate e-admitcard”.

Step – 5 : Download the admit card PDF and take a Print out of it.

HSSC TGT Result  2023 :-

The Haryana Staff Seection Commission (HSSC) releases the Result 2023 after the conclusion of the exam on the official ebsite of the HSSC Commission. Candidates can access theire results by logging into the commissions official website. 

  • Login to the official website of the Commission i.e  https://hssc.gov.in
  • From the notifications panel , seach for “HSSC TGT Result 2023” link . Click on it. 
  • Download the TGT results and the merit list in PDF Format onto your device. Seach for your HSSC Registration Number in the merit list.
  • If your name appears on the screen , that would mean that you are qualified for the exam.
  • Save it for future refrences.

Join the HSSC TGT Exam (Mathematics) Course  :- 

Download the Mathematical Academy App from PlayStore : 


  • Registration Open New Batch
  • Complete Course Fees : 999 Rs (Only) /- & Include Test Series.
  • Enroll Now
  • Live Class
  • Backup ( Complete Recorded Lecture ) Available in Mathematical Academy App.
  • Printed Assignment + Video Solution
  • Test Series ( Topic Wise + Full Length Test ) + Solution
  • Watch the Video Offline without Internet.
  • Watch the Video Unlimited Time .
  • If you not Attemt the live class then end the live class Immediately recorded Lecture Available in App.
  • Laptop and PC version Available .
  • Same login Id and password put the website.
  • Live Class PDF Notes Available in App(Daily).
  • Website : www.mathematicalacademy.com

FAQs : – 

Question : Do I need to download my HSSC TGT Exam Application form ?

Answer : Yes , for the future reference , the candidates must keep the HSSC TGT Application form Download.

Question : How many marks does the Socio – Economic criteria and experience section constitute for the HSSC TGT Exam?

Answer : The Socio – Economic Criteria and Experience section carries 05 marks. The marks are allocated based on Different conditions.

Question : Where can I fill the HSSC TGT Application form ?

Answer : You can fill the HSSC TGT Application form on the official website of HSSC . You need a computer system with a working and stable          Internet Connection.

Question : My Photograph is not clearly visible in the HSSC TGT Hall ticket . Is that okey ?

Answer : No, the HSSC TGT Hall Ticket must have your photograph on it. If it does not , make sure that you intimate the higher authorities about it  immediately.

Question : I have lost my pasword for the HSSC TGT login ID. What can I do ?

Answer : You can get your password by changing it. Click on the Forgot Password button available at the bottom of the login page and reset    accordingly.

Question : What is HSSC TGT Teacher Salary ?

Answer : The HSSC TGT Teacher Salary is 47600 Rs – 151100 Rs.

Question : What is the selection Process for HSSC TGT Teacher Recruitment 2023 ?

Answer : Written & Document Verification.

Question : Is there any negative marking for the Wrong Answers ?

Answer : There is No negative marking for the wrong answers.

Question : When willl be HSSC TGT Teacher Exam Held ? 

Answer : HSSC TGT Teacher Exam will be held soon.

Question : Is B.Ed compulsory for HSSC TGT Teacher Exam  ?

Answer : Yes 

Question : Is there any Interview in HSSC TGT Teacher Exam ?

Answer : No

Thank You !

Founder and Onwer of Mathematical Academy .


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